Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Some Considerations About Domain Registration And Hosting

Some Considerations About Domain Registration And Hosting.
A domain registrar is a company that supplies domain names, and sometimes hosting as well.
After deciding on your domain name, you would go to a domain registrar to purchase it.. You will get your desired name if it is available. If not you may have to modify it, or choose another name.
The domain registrar checks the name chosen is not already taken, and collects information about the domain name purchaser (name, address, phone number, email address and fax number). They hold the information for billing, administration and technical contacts for the domain purchaser. The admin. contact and the owner are usually the same person, or company.
Your domain name points to your hosting space. The domain name makes the space look more professional and makes it easier to remember. Your domain name would look like, for example, YourName.com or YourName.net, or YourName.org etc. Nowadays domain names are quite cheap to purchase. The DNS (domain name servers) is information also held by the domain registrar and consists of the primary and secondary name servers that let internet traffic know where the internet host is for the domain name they are searching for.
Hosting - you need your domain/website hosted, and there are several hosting companies out there like One.com and HostGator. There are also many that do hosting and domain names. GoDaddy and CheapDomainSeller.com does both hosting and supplies domain names, and if you take both with CheapDomainSeller.com, they give you a discount. They have different packages, but the Economy Plan gives 5 Gb space, 250 Gb transfer, 500 email accounts, free software, 10 MySQL databases, 50 email forwards, forums, blogging, photo galleries and no ads.
Bandwidth - each hosting plan has a bandwidth limit per month. You need to ensure you have a package with sufficient bandwidth for your purposes. Big video files take up more bandwith so make smaller files if possible.
You can upload to your website/blog using programs like Microsoft FrontPage or other ftp programs. There are many ftp programs like Smart FTP or Filezilla. A Google search for ’FTP Programs’ should give you a good choice.
Other factors to consider when registering a domain name and getting hosting are:
The cost of setting up, like purchasing a domain name, renewing it every year, the yearly cost of hosting etc. The other costs to factor in are SEO (search engine optimisation), advertising and marketing, etc. Research web hosting companies before you decide on one, compare prices and services with other web hosting companies.

Time in which you can be up and running. Most hosting companies can have you up and running within 24 hours.
How much space does your website need? A simple static space with small files, or a site that requires large database storage? If your site needs special software to run scripts or if your site requires a database, you should check with the web hosting company first. .
You should try and visualise what you want your site to be like and what its purposes are.
Write down all the functions of the links on your website. Make sure you have met all your requirements for your site so there are no complications after it is up and running caused by things you have omitted accidentally.
Remember, forums are also a great place to look for lots of good advice and information.

For a great way to learn about affiliate marketing, visit: http://tinyurl.com/ktb8re.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

The Ins And Outs Of Choosing A Domain Name For Your Website Or Blog

The first thing you need to do is get yourself over to a domain registrar. There are several to choose from, and if you type ‘domain registrar’ into a search engine you should find several to choose from. GoDaddy.com are popular and they also provide hosting.
You really need to think carefully about choosing a domain name for your website or blog. The name you choose should relate to your business or whatever you are promoting. You should be specific with the keywords you use relating to your business, so as to get traffic from search engines. Ideally, build your business around these keywords.
A few things to consider when choosing a domain name are:
It shouldn’t be too long, so people can remember it.
Plurals aren’t a good idea, eg. John’sdogs’names !!
Nor are double letters, eg. Sandy’ssalon.
It should contain keywords related to your business.
It should end with .com if possible.
It should have a ring to it and be easy to remember.
It should create an image in the mind of the visitor.
It should not contain misleading words such as ‘best’, ‘top’ or ’No. 1’.
Hyphenating the words in your domain name can increase your ranking with search engines. However the domain name you give out to the public should not be hyphenated, so you should purchase both the hyphenated and unhyphenated name and link them. You can also have multiple domain names pointing to the same site, and you can have multiple extensions to the same name, eg. .com and .net and .org, or if you can’t get .com you can opt for one of the others instead.
Once you have your domain name, your website will be known by it, and repeat visitors will often type its name into search engines to get to it (type-in traffic). Changing your domain’s name would just lead to confusion and could lose you repeat visitors.
Include your new domain name in everything, emails, letterheads, business cards, but always use ‘www.’ instead of ‘http://’ off-line.
There are tens of thousands of domain names registered each day, so as you can imagine, it is getting harder to get a domain name you specifically want. Use your imagination and if necessary ask others for advice. Take the time to find the best one for yourself, you’re worth it!!

Visit: http://tinyurl.com/yh8az2c to learn all about affiliate marketing.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Four Amazing Ways to Generate Lifetime Commissions From Your Recommended ClickBank Products

So many people want to make money online, and so many people complain that finding products is difficult, promoting those products is harder still. In fact, for newbie and professional alike, there’s a very simple plan to follow to market virtually any product, even in highly competitive markets, for products that countless affiliates are already promoting.
I’m going to use ClickBank products as my example for this article, mainly because ClickBank is very picky about products allowed at their site, so you always know you are selling quality information and you’ll never be accused of marketing scams or unworkable products.
Once you have your product, the secret to making money is follow a definite marketing plan, to leave no stone unturned so to speak, and to promote your product in as many places as possible, on and off the Internet, using the easiest of all marketing techniques, all of them free!
The following marketing ideas can be applied to virtually any affiliate product, especially ClickBank’s enormous stable of quality items:
* Write an article about problems your chosen product seeks to resolve. So, say, for example, you are promoting a book about curing acne, your article might focus on causes of acne and recommend the book as a means of benefiting most sufferers. Upload your article to one or more top article directories, notably Ezine Articles and Go Articles.
* Build a Squidoo lens, add articles such as those you might add to article directories. At Squidoo you can include illustrations for your recommended product and you can also hyperlink your affiliate url direct to the product’s sales page.
* Mention the product in your outgoing emails, either as a direct comment in the body of the email or as a ‘P.S’ after your signature. You can format the P.S. as a Signature File inside your email account where it will be automatically added to all outgoing emails until you remove it or amend it to promote other ClickBank products later.
* Place small free classified ads. in offline newspapers, in categories read by your target audience. So, for example, your book about acne cures might be promoted under ‘Health and Beauty’ in some local or national publication and end by recommending readers visit your web site or blog for more information about the recommended book.
Individually those ideas might sell just ten or twenty copies of your recommended product, but each promotion takes literally minutes and costs nothing and really does represent the highest return for your investment of time and energy.

Avril Harper is a successful ClickBank vendor and affiliate and the author of A COMPLETE NEWBIES’ GUIDE TO MAKING MONEY WITH CLICKBANK which you can read about at


Friday, 23 October 2009

How to Promote Your Chosen Affiliate Product

Obviously once you have a product, either as the product owner, or as an affiliate, your aim is to get people to purchase it. Therefore you have to promote the product to get the attention of potential purchasers.
There are several ways to promote your product and this article looks briefly at some of the ways.

First of all, you need to have a website and/or blog as a landing page. Vendors will usually provide affiliates with promotional material such as banners to put on them. You then need to set up an auto responder on the blog or website and offer some incentive for people to sign up, such as a newsletter or free content-rich report. This way you will build a list of customers. It is important to keep your website and/or blog populated and up-to-date.
Your target market should comprise of people with specific needs and money they are willing to spend. The bigger their needs, the hungrier they are, and the more they will spend.
There are many ways to locate your market. Be open to ideas, trends, challenges, and problems, from television, newspapers, and other media and other people.
The lifeblood of any business is being able to generate consistent targeted traffic to your websites/blogs. Without this you will find building a customer base, an income and a reputation online a real struggle. THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST!
Another couple of advantages of having your own list of subscribers are: You can do joint ventures, and you will get more sales long term.
However, growing a list can be counterproductive when:
There may not be enough Clickbank products in your niche to maintain regular mailings to a list (in fact you should check that there are products at all with some niches).
Some buyers may have a need which is fulfilled with only one product and may not want repeated mailings. Finally, it’s not a good idea to focus on just one market, in case something happens to it, like people losing interest, or a product being banned. A more diversified approach is definitely recommended.
It is very important to communicate regularly with people on your list, to give them good value information, and to build a relationship with them.
However, you obviously need to get people to visit your website and/or blog in the first place to sign up to your list.
By writing articles for article directories you can promote your affiliate product and place links back to your blog and/or website, and for your affiliate product, in the author resource box.
Use keywords in your articles relating to your product, and repeat them throughout the articles, for instance ‘affiliate marketing’ to get search engine attention.
A good way to decide what type of articles to write is to identify from online articles those receiving thousands of hits in days of being published. Go to EzineArticles and other article directories for articles that have had lots of hits early on. Use these articles to create your own on a similar theme.
Forum marketing is a powerful way to promote, especially if you concentrate on forums which are dedicated to the product/subject you are promoting. Forums with members that have urgent, shared problems which your product would resolve are ideal.
Join forums and take part in discussions, offer useful information and tips. Post something that shows you as an expert in the subject, offer free report with links to your promotion inside report.
Offline ads consist of classified and display ads. classified ads are cheaper and smaller, and good for generating enquires. They are restricted usually to 20-30 words of text only, and are for low price items straight off the page.
Some affiliates use 2-stage classified ads, where customer has to visit their site to find out more, to grow mailing lists. Classified ads can be used to test the sale of your product or to test success of the advertising media.
Display ads are large ads, best for selling high price products straight from page. People are more likely to trust display ads because of their cost.
Finally, there are plenty of social networking sites and video sharing sites to promote your product.
Remember, to use an incentive to get customers on to your list, and, importantly, that you must build yourself a good reputation online.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Why ClickBank is so good for Affiliates

Probably the most popular digital product marketplace, ClickBank, is held in high esteem by vendors and affiliates all over the world, and for good reason. It has been established for a number of years and knows the digital products business very well - what vendors and affiliates want and expect from it, and it strives to provide that.
What can be said with certainty about ClickBank is that it is an honest, reliable, user-friendly and very accessible market place. The customer service is first class, and responses to any questions or requests for help are very quick, in most cases, less than 24 hours. They answer questions personally instead of referring to FAQ’s pages.
ClickBank has very high standards and is very strict in what it allows on the site, and any vendors or affiliates are removed who do not meet their standards of customer care and quality control.
Also, very importantly, they have a reputation of never missing a payment to anyone, and they pay every two weeks bang on time.
There is one flaw with ClickBank, if you could call it that, and that is they only pay commission in US Dollars, no matter where you are in the world. This can work out quite costly in bank charges. However a way around it is to leave your payments to build up to higher amounts before converting to your own currency, and with ClickBank it is perfectly safe to do this.

An excellent way to get into Affiliate Marketing is by following a first class training program. Visit : http://tinyurl.com/ktb8re to find out more.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

EIGHT Ways to Choose Products to Promote as an Affiliate

As all successful affiliates know, the most important part of the marketing process is sourcing products with high selling potential. Without products people actually want to buy, no amount of marketing will compensate the affiliate for time, money and effort expended in their business. These tips will help you choose quality products with high selling potential generating good commissions for you:
#1 Go for goods and services that interest you as a buyer or enthusiast. It’s a well-known fact that selling products and services for which you are an actual or potential customer yourself, benefits you as a seller, both increasing your own enthusiasm in the product as well as helping you pass that enthusiasm to others.
#2 Go for high commission items over items of similar quality with lower rewards. They say it is just as easy to sell a high priced item as something costing just a few pounds.
#3 Go for unusual or highly specialised items where you effectively become one of a handful of sellers worldwide.
#4 Choose niche markets over general markets. Niche markets are those where buyers and sellers share closely defined interests, such as entering consumer competitions, collecting antique teddy bears, buying business opportunity books, and so on. General markets, on the other hand, are those where potential buyers share numerous interests, say good food and drink, holidays abroad, selecting Christmas gifts for family and friends.
Niche markets, by their very nature, comprise people known to be one hundred per cent interested in most products and services related to their shared interest.
They can be reached easily and at little expense, via specialist magazines and newsgroups, emailing lists, and such, unlike a general interest audience with members dotted here, there, everywhere.
#5 Choose products with repeat commissions and back-end sales potential. So, acquiring a customer can mean selling to that person many times over the years.
#6 Check that products and services are legal and acceptable in all your target areas. For example, gambling and alcohol illegal in some countries, and advertising is subject to more stringent rules and regulations in some parts of the world, and so on. So advertising material which is entirely suited to say, the American market, might well be banned in another country, or vice versa.
#7 Choose generous commissions over token rewards, especially where products are also in high-demand.
#8 Look for products that can be combined and marketed on one site. Here you can attract a massive audience of potential buyers for several, usually related products.
Avril Harper is a successful ClickBank vendor and affiliate and the author of A COMPLETE NEWBIES’ GUIDE TO MAKING MONEY WITH CLICKBANK which you can read about at http://a2z120.bbbgb.hop.clickbank.net. If this link does not work, please copy and paste into browser and click on search.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


The fact that there are growing numbers of affiliates online goes to prove that there are reliable and quality affiliate programs out there.

There are several factors to consider, and questions to ask, when choosing a good affiliate program though. To help you select a suitable product, you could do worse than considering the following factors:

Niche affiliate marketing is usually most successful form of affiliate marketing - it gains higher search engine ranking. A niche can be broad or narrow, from ‘making money online’ to ‘making money through forex trading’, for example.

It pays to do some research to determine that there is a demand for the product or niche you are thinking of promoting. Also, Checking in forums and discussion boards is a good idea, to be aware of things members are happy/not happy about with products.

Do you have an interest in the product? Would you purchase it yourself? Do you have knowledge about it? Would you refer it to your friends/family? If you have an interest in it, it is likely that others will also. It is also a good idea to have some knowledge about the product you are going to promote, and you need to think of your reputation when promoting a product, that is very important. Is the product high quality? Can you stand behind it?

Making sure that the product is solid/legitimate/reliable is very important. Who is the product owner? Having some expert/s in the field associated with the product is, of course, an excellent idea.

Does the product provide good value for people, and does it deliver on promises made in the sales pitch? Is there a money back guarantee? Customer service is so important in building and keeping your good reputation.

Is it a program with plenty of tools and resources to help grow business as quickly as possible, like links, banners and re-brandable content?

Is it a program that you lets you check your stats (statistics) and commissions, and are detailed stats available, anytime, any place? Constantly checking your stats is very important to see how many impressions, hits and sales you have generated, and to see what you are doing right and wrong. Does the affiliate program pay for hits and impressions? This is especially important if have to make a lot of commission before commission cheques are issued. When do they issue your commission cheques?

Looking at the stats of the product you wish to promote tells you what the hit/sale ratio (conversion) is, what percentage of products are sold by affiliates and what the commission paid is. You need to know how are referrals from affiliate sites tracked and how long they remain in the system, to make sure you get your commission paid for your hard work.

Does the product cater to a growing market so there is more and continuing demands for your referrals?

Does it cost anything to join the program, and are there minimum quotas you must fulfil before commission paid out? Is there a minimum of commission earned before cheques are issued? There are plenty of programs that are free to join out there.

And finally, is it a program that pays good commission (at least 30%)? Don’t waste your time and energy on low-paying programs!

To find a program that has all these things and more, visit: http://tinyurl.com/ktb8re

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Four Sure-Fire Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing is Better Than Selling Your Own Products at ClickBank

Four Sure-Fire Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing is Better Than Selling Your Own Products at ClickBank
ClickBank is one of the world’s most popular affiliate sites, offering many thousands of quality products generating relatively easy money for product owners and affiliates.
With commissions as high at 75 per cent, the vast majority of ClickBank products generate higher earnings for affiliates than actual product owners.
Which leads many people to ask: “Why bother creating your own products when you can earn more as an affiliate?”, to which all successful affiliates will reply:
* It takes weeks/months/years to create your own products; it takes just minutes to find and begin promoting a hugely profitable affiliate product.
* The creator is never really sure his product will make money commensurate with whatever time, investment and energy that person spends bringing his product to market. Conversely, affiliates can check ClickBank statistics and seconds later be all but certain that a product will sell and attract high commissions, with few refunds. You find this information in the statistics accompanying product titles within ClickBank’s main marketplace.
* Affiliates can move quickly between products, as markets and trends change, for example, and it’s very easy to promote literally hundreds of different products concurrently. Product creators, on the other hand, generally take months to add new products to ClickBank, they’re never sure those products will sell, and they face high competition from other creators of similar products.
* Creators must forever be dreaming up new product ideas and seeking gaps in the market at Clickbank and hoping their potential product will reach the market before a similar competing product. The first product to fill an obvious gap in the market will attract heavy interest from affiliates and could lead to early market saturation and slim pickings for subsequent rival creations.
So you see, it’s usually best to begin promoting ClickBank products as an affiliate, from which to learn about marketing, and use that experience to create and promote your own unique products later.
Avril Harper is a successful ClickBank vendor and affiliate and the author of A COMPLETE NEWBIES’ GUIDE TO MAKING MONEY WITH CLICKBANK which you can read about at http://a2z120.bbbgb.hop.clickbank.net.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Which Affiliate Network To Look For When Promoting

There are many horror stories about affiliate programs and networks. People have heard them over and over again, that some are even wary of joining one. The stories they may have heard are those related to illegal programs or pyramid schemes. Basically, this kind of market does not have real, worthy product.
You do not want to be associated with these schemes. It is obvious you want to be with a program that offers high quality product that you will readily endorse. The growing number of those who have joined already and are succeeding immensely is proof enough that there are reliable and quality affiliate programs out there.
Why participate in an affiliate program?
It allows you to work part-time. It gives you the opportunity to build a generous residual income. And it makes you an owner of a small business. Affiliate programs have already created lots of millionaires. They are the living testimony of how hard work; continuous prospecting, motivating and training others pay off.
If ever you are deciding to join one, you must take note that you are getting into something that is patterned to what you are capable of. This will be an assurance that you are capable of doing anything to come out successful.
How do you choose a good affiliate program to promote? Here are some tips you may want to look over before choosing one:
1. A program that you like and have interest in. One of the best ways of knowing if that is the kind of program you wish to promote is if you are interested in purchasing the product yourself. If that is the case, chances are, there are many others who are also interested in the same program and products.
2. Look for a program that is of high quality. For instance, look for one that is associated with many experts in that particular industry. This way, you are assured that of the standard of the program you will be joining into.
3. Join in the ones that offer real and viable products. How do you know this? Do some initial research. If possible, track down some of the members and customers to give you testimonial on the credibility of the program.
4. The program that is catering to a growing target market. This will ensure you that there will be more and continuous demands for your referrals. Make inquiries. There are forums and discussions you can participate in to get good and reliable feedbacks.
5. A program with a compensation plan that pays out a residual income and a payout of 30% or more would be a great choice. There are some programs offering this kind of compensation. Look closely for one. Do not waste your time with programs that do not reward substantially for your efforts.
6. Be aware of the minimum quotas that you must fulfill or sales target that is too hard to achieve. Some affiliate programs imposes pre-requisites before you get your commissions. Just be sure that you are capable of attaining their requirements.
7. Select one that has plenty of tools and resources that can help you grow the business in the shortest possible time. Not all affiliate programs have these capacities. Make use you decide on one with lots of helpful tools you can use.
8. Check out if the program has a proven system that can allow you to check your networks and compensation. Also check if they have it available online for you to check anytime and anywhere.
9. The program that is offering strong incentives for members to renew their membership each time. The affiliate program that provides continuous help and upgrades for its products have the tendency to retain its members. These things can assure the growth of your networks.
10. Be aware of the things that members are not happy about in a program. Like with the ones mentioned above, you can do your checking at discussion forums. If you know someone in that same program, there is ho harm asking if there are many downsides involved.
Have a thorough and intensive knowledge about the affiliate program and network you will be promoting on.
Knowing the kind of program you are getting yourself into will make you anticipate and prevent any future problems you may encounter.
To learn more about becoming a successful affiliate marketer, visit:

Monday, 31 August 2009

Answering 3 Important Questions for Newbies Considering Affiliate Marketing

Do you find yourself trying and better-trying to get started making some real cash online? Are you frustrated by all the buying and trying of different opportunities that promise wealth, but never work out that way? I was too, I was at the state of despair. After a lot of searching, I found that affiliate marketing is the way to go online, but there is a lot to learn before you start making the bucks. The following are three important questions you need answering to get started in affiliate marketing.
Question One: What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is an excellent way of earning money without a product of your own. Product owners (vendors) place their products for sale on sites like Clickbank.com, but they also allow affiliate marketers to promote and sell their products for a commission. The affiliate marketer only needs to promote the product, and get people to go to the owner’s site to purchase (through the affiliate marketer’s hoplink). They don’t have any contact with the customer, so there is no time spent on customer services, handling products, shipping or dealing with payments, that is all dealt with by the product owner.
Question Two: Can you show me an example of Affiliate Marketing?
The affiliate marketer would go to the Clickbank.com site (after registering with Clickbank) and choose a product to promote in their niche (chosen subject area). All products will have a precis of what they are about, and you can look at their sales page to find out more. They also show stats such as commission you would earn on sales, the conversion rate of the product and the percentage of sales made by affiliates. Affiliates then use their Clickbank ID obtained on registration to obtain a hoplink which is supplied by the product owner of the product they are choosing to promote. This hoplink is linked to the product owner’s sales page with the affiliate’s ID embedded in it, so any sales made by clicking on the affiliate hoplink would credit commission to that affiliate.
So, for example, say a customer reading about a product on a blog or website, or a newsletter by an affiliate, decides they would like to purchase the product. They would click on the affiliate hoplink and would be taken straight to the product owner’s sales page with the embedded affiliate ID. If they purchase the product, the product owner then knows which affiliate the sale has been made through and that affiliate gets the commission.
Question Three: How can I get started with Affiliate Marketing?
You can either sign up with Clickbank at Clickbank.com, and get your ID by registering and giving yourself a Clickbank ID. Then go to Clickbank.com Marketplace and choose a product you would like to promote. Once you have chosen a product, click on ‘hoplink’ which is underneath the product description, enter your Clickbank ID in the box, and you will end up with an affiliate hoplink that looks like http://YOURID.hop.clickbank.net (your ID name goes in after ‘http://’ and before ‘hop‘). You then need to get the product promoted with your affiliate link as the link to the owner’s sales page so that you get commission for every sale you promote. Getting traffic to visit where you are promoting is where the work is. There are several ways to do it, including creating a website and sending traffic to it via Google Adwords, writing ezine articles and promoting in your resource box, or making a blog and directing traffic to it.
However, to save a lot of time and effort, following a course by an experienced and respected internet marketer that takes you step-by-step through the entire process is worth considering, as there is so much to learn, and the fact is that most newbies give up when they don’t see any income, because of not knowing
Internet marketing strategies.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

What it takes to be an eBay seller

eBay is one of the most popular shopping malls in the world. It's an in demand cyber shopping center maintained by millions of people around the globe who have access to the internet.

I am one of the many people addicted to eBay. I am an eBay shopper, but more importantly I am an eBay seller. I am actually more of a seller than a buyer. So here are some pointers to help those that want to make the crossover.

There are actually three fundamental steps towards being an eBay seller.

One, be a registered user by creating an eBay account. Just go to the eBay page and choose the blue register link. Then fill in your personal information. Opt for a username that does not make your personal information too obvious. Your password must be something you'll readily remember. Read the term of service and click the box if you agree. A confirmation email will be sent to you and you'll just have to activate it.

Two, create a payment account. A PayPal account is the easiest and most secure option for payments because of its layer of protection for sellers and buyers plus access to free auction tools for sellers. Credit card payment is also possible but a merchant account should be first set up.

Third, create an eBay seller's account. For first listings, verification of identity is required through the submission of a credit or debit card number prior to the offering of the item to eBay. A checking account number say also be submitted. Also chose a method for paying eBay selling fees. Options include: a one-time payment/fees automatically deducted from PayPal account; an automatic charge per month through a kept card file using credit card; direct pay offers an automatic deduction of fees from your checking account (available only in US dollars and US accounts) and finally, through checks but this is only available for business retailers.

Learn about making money with eBay with a step by step course written by an actual eBay Powerseller. You can find out Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=C_Ferraro



eBay Selling Tips For New eBay Sellers

There are a lot of people that are beginning their journeys of becoming eBay sellers. In the process of becoming new eBay sellers you want to make sure you follow this kind of advice so you don't make the same mistakes that newbies make.

The photo you attach in your auction makes or breaks the final value of how much your item will be sold. Take the time to do the photo nicely if you want your item to be a winner.

Language is essential-and when the internet is concerned, HTML is the medium. Use HTML to make your auction listing readable and user friendly. By doing so, bidders can understand what you are saying.

Unless you have a good reason not to, auction format listings should not begin at $1. The only way this should happen is if you are absolutely certain that it will generate bids.

Items with add-ons, accessories and those sold on retail should be specified in your listing. Similarly, don't include item accessories if they are not for sale.

Be specific and honest with the item's condition. Ratings such as "good condition", "brand new", or "a little worn" should be included. Also take in actual details like missing buttons, scratches, etc.

Shipping details are crucial. Include the shipping cost, the locations you are willing to ship to, carriers and insurance.

Always provide a clear guarantee or warranty or return/exchange policy. If your products are being sold AS-IS, make this clear in the first place-that there are no returns and no exchanges. If not, elaborate on their options. Furthermore, have a few adjustments to collecting payment so that you can encourage bidders. Accept payments from PayPal, check, money order and other legal methods.

Finally, always, always ship quickly and pack carefully. You may have sold the item, don't ruin it by poor packaging and delayed shipping. If buyers are satisfied with their buying experience, they will leave you good feedbacks and boost your sales as they buy from you again. Otherwise, dissatisfied buyers will never buy from you again. Or worse, they may complain to eBay and to the banks.

Learn about making money with eBay with a step by step course written by an actual eBay Powerseller. You can find out more by going to The Powerseller Pro

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=C_Ferraro


Monday, 2 March 2009

Internet Marketing for Beginners

If this is your first attempt to make money online, the most important lesson you have to learn is what Internet marketing is all about. Internet marketing is similar to and different from "real-life" marketing in several ways.

Basic principles of marketing apply to both concepts although their application could differ. The 4P's for instance price, product, place, and promotion remain true and significant for both but the meaning behind "place" is quite different. In real-life marketing, place refers to the location of your business while in online marketing, "place" may be defined as to the kind of website you have for your business.

It's important to understand its similarities and dissimilarities to ensure that any strategy you devise will succeed.

Search engines are the ultimate authority.

No matter how you look at it, the final word will always come from search engines, especially big, powerful ones like Google and Yahoo. The amount of attention given to you by search engine spiders can make or break your website, regardless of how effective or affordable your products and services are.

As such, it's important to focus on SEO or search engine optimization when you are studying Internet marketing. You need to know what makes search engine spiders tick and what tickle their fancy.

Know how to get in touch.

The World Wide Web seems to only get bigger and bigger as each year passes by. As its size increases, so does the netizen population. Consequently, this means more competition. Ultimately, you have to ask yourself one important question: how can you make your business distinguishable from the rest.

One way of doing that is getting and staying in touch with your consumers. It should make no difference whether they're no longer a part of your market or they're only potential customers. What's important is that you have their email address or any other means of contacting them.

The Internet gives you several ways to connect with your market and you need to take advantage of each and every one of them. Just by using your email alone, you can have people subscribe to an e-newsletter or e-zine from your business. If it becomes popular, it can eventually be a secondary source of income when it becomes membership-based.

Consider publishing an ebook and have it distributed to your market. For maximum results, your first ebook must be free to download. It doesn't have to be exceptionally long, but it does need to share original and valuable content. The content of your ebook is the reason why people will download your work.

Your job starts when they begin at Page One. Links to and mentions of your website must be spread liberally throughout your work. You know you've done your job well when they use the link to access your website and perform the desired action.

Paid Advertising

Lastly, Internet marketing is not always free. There are also methods using paid advertising and in some ways, they prove to be more effective than free online marketing. Paid advertising include pay-per-click ads, banner advertisements, and text-based ads.

Paid advertising gives your online business greater exposure but it also comes with bigger risks of failure. It's important that you choose the right message if you want to make use of paid advertising.

Give these ideas a test run when you can. If they work then good! You now understand the basics of Internet marketing.

Larry Rivera is a successful Internet Network Marketer. He helps people understand how to market on the internet effectively. He is also a leader in his primary network marketing business. Larry Rivera is also a leader in Success University and he also is Co-Creator of The Perfect Funded Proposal System.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Larry_Rivera



Make Money Online Following These 2 Concepts

There are a multitude of ebooks and online courses that have been made on the subject of how to make money being online. There are 2 fundamental concepts that you should always follow if you want to earn an Internet income.

1. Always be very careful about any advice that you accept. There are many people online who like to call themselves experts in their field. These people will take money away from anyone who wants to part from it and give back very little or nothing in return.

This kind of thing unfortunately happens quite frequently. Many so called gurus make a few sales with their new Internet business and then, since they think they are experts, decide to get involved in the "how to make money being online market".

Don't get me wrong, this market is very credible for the individuals who know what they are talking about. Anyone who is new to Internet marketing, however, needs to be wary about where they get their advice and whether or not they are dealing with legitimate information sources.

If you want to check up on someone's credentials, it is best to go to the top Internet marketing forums and then post a question about them. One of the top forums for posting these types of queries is the Warrior Forum.

One place to acquire good online advice is through the various social networking sites. A good place to start with this would be Twitter.com. Here, you can build up a friends list and then read their updates.

2. The second major concept that applies if you want to make money being online is that most of your online effort should be dedicated to marketing your business. Further to this concept, you will need to establish a blog and then try to post to it everyday.

Both readers and search engines love blogs. If you are worried about how to run your blog successfully, there are many online resources that can teach you this. ProBlogger is an excellent online resource for teaching you the ins and outs of blogging.net.

ProBlogger.net is what is known as an authority site as there is a lot of excellent quality content available to you that you can use on your blog. By following the advice of other successful bloggers from this site, you can learn everything you need to know to be successful yourself.

With blogging, you can write about things that you enjoy and are knowledgeable about and you can make money in the process. Over the long term, it also allows you to create a lot of free traffic. In the end, if your blog is really good, you will attract a lot of traffic, so selling products as well as earning money in other ways will be easy.

In summary then, these are 2 concepts that you absolutely must follow if you want to make money being online. First of all, be very careful about where take your advice from and, second, set up a blog and start posting to it regularly. Once your blog is running, learn how to do it very well.

You can make money being online! Learn more at Work From Home Opportunity and sign up for our free Internet marketing newsletter. Don't forget to visit John Baril's online training blog at Online Marketing Promotion.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Baril



Do you really want to achieve internet marketing success?

If you really want to achieve internet marketing success you will have to take action. Sure you may have doubts. You may be fearful of not achieving the results you desire, but nonetheless you have to take action. Reading all the information every day about internet marketing will not do anything for you until you act upon it. No one knows how well you are going to perform until you actually start to perform. More importantly you ought to care about what you do, if you really want to build relationships with people you have to care about them, which basically means you care as a whole.

Building relationships is the core element of any business be it off line or online. People generally speaking do business with people they like. You need to develop trust and credibility. The way to do this is to provide good content, content that helps your visitors get from A to B. When you provide good content you will also develop leverage enabling you to get more from the content you develop.

You will also need to diversify, to put it another way you do not want all your eggs in one basket. You do not want to rely on any one method. In terms of marketing figure out what you are good at and focus on it, this will in the end produce far better results.

To summarize, you need to care, you need to have a deep interest and you need to have the drive to succeed no matter what challenges you face. Beyond that never give up.

Learn more Powerful Web Marketing Strategies That are built on results. Join our conversation. Let's help one another build a real business online.

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Learn How To make real money online


Sunday, 1 March 2009

How to be an effective internet marketer

Being an effective Internet marketer really hinges on finding the right niche. Although many strategies are effective, if the product that is being promoted is not something people want, no sales will be generated. The key is finding the balance between what people want, the demand, and how much competition there is to provide it, the supply.

Basic economics says that there is an equilibrium point at which there is just the right amount of supply to meet the demand. In terms of Internet marketing, this is a good place to start. An example of this type of market would be the health products niche. There are always people who want to buy products to make them live longer, look younger, and feel better.

The type of niche to find, however, is one in which there is high demand and low supply. Often these markets can be found within the larger niches, so they are called micro niches. A good example of a micro niche from a couple years back was the acai berry products. This product falls under the health products niche, which as stated before is a steady market.

However, the acai berry micro niche really became hot after Oprah Winfrey endorsed an acai berry product on her show. This immediately created an immense demand, with relatively small supply. The problem with micro niches, though, is that they are temporary. Currently on Google, there are over a million and a half targeted searches for the acai berry. This is too many for someone that is just getting into that niche.

So where are these micro niches? Take the time to find what products are hot by researching search terms and keywords. Watch for what the next big thing is and jump in early. Doing so creates early products, but also establishes a foothold for that market.

Effective Internet marketing comes from effective market research. The work put in on the front end allows for greater, longer success down the road.

Did you find this article helpful?

For more tips, reviews, and videos, visit http://couchpotatodollars.blogspot.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dean_L.


Monday, 23 February 2009

How to make easy money online during a recession

The first step in learning how to earn extra cash online during a recession is to tell yourself that you can in fact do so. Seems cheesy, right? Maybe so, but the thing is that it is absolutely true. And because of this fact you need to reassure yourself of it. If you don't believe in your ability to make money online during a recession then how do you expect yourself to do it?

So, take a deep breath. Tell yourself that you can earn easy cash online during these harsh economic times. And read the rest of this article to find out exactly how you can easily start earning some extra money.

Making Money Is As Easy As 1 2 3...

The heading above isn't an exaggeration. The process of making money and in particular making money on the internet is actually quite easy to do. All it takes is a tried and proven method. Once you have a solid system to follow then making money through the internet will be a piece of cake. The catch is that finding a good model for earning money is something that is almost impossible to do. Thankfully, I am willing to share with you a proven money making model that few people know about.

Want me to spill the beans about my proven strategy for earning tons of cash during a recession? If so, then keep on reading to the next section where I'll lay out a step by step plan of action for you to follow.

A Proven Model For Earning Tons Of Money Online

The first thing that I do when trying to earn some cash online is I pick something that I am genuinely interested in. Now, this could be anything. It could be a hobby of mine or it could simply be something that caught my interest while watching TV. It really doesn't matter as long as I am really interested in it.

So, if you want to start making money then you need to do the same thing. You need to choose something in your life that you are genuinely interested in. That is all. As long as you really like whatever you pick then you will be set to earn cash during a recession.

The next thing that I do is I find a thriving market that is related to my interest. Don't panic! This isn't nearly as hard as it sounds. All it takes is a few Google searches relating to your money making interest. After doing some searches online related to your interest try to see what people with your interest are buying and what they are willing to buy with their money.

Once you have found out this information then you will be able to take advantage of the market related to your interest and start earning some serious money online.

Find Yourself A Recession Proof Guide For Making Money Online

After choosing a profitable interest that you have and then finding a related market you will need to start actually capitalizing on your work in order to rake in huge profits. I'll be honest with you, this part can get a little tricky. This is the part where many people fail to make any money online.

If you want to go about exploiting your interest and related market in order to make easy money then you are going to need to follow a proven method of doing so. While it is not necessary, it can save you a lot of time as well as a lot of money. And the truth is that a guide can actually increase your earning potential.

Wait one second! I forgot to mention something extremely important to you...

Do you want to know a little secret when it comes to making money online and working from home? If you truly want to earn money then you need to have access to an honest "make money online" guide. Guess what? I've gone through all of the guides for making money online and I've analyzed each and everyone to see if they really offer value or if they are just a bunch of hype. Do you want to know what I found? There was only one guide that offered a genuine way to make money online with no experience at all.

I have literally done all of the hard work for you. I've tested what works and what doesn't so that you don't have to. If you want to take advantage of my hard work then click the link below to read my review of the very best "make money online" product out there. You do want to make money online during a recession, right?

Making You Richer Review

^^^Only click that link if you are serious about making money online and working from home!

For more FREE information related to making money online visit the following website:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_Lauplin


Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Ebay Secret Tips - 3 Time-Tested Tips to Create Recession-Crushing Profits

The tough economic scenario worldwide has in turn brought with it a world of opportunities for budding entrepreneurs. Those relying on cushy jobs for all these years have suddenly realized the importance of having an adequate source of additional income; and in the face of job-loss, the only source! Thankfully, the Internet with its global network, offers a world of opportunities. You too can swim in the tide, and start an eBay business of your own, on the Internet. The tips listed below will guide you in the process.

Tip 1: Sell Related Items

Once you have decided on the actual items to sell, and over time they start to sell well, move on to related items that are also very likely to sell well. This would be particularly true if you have managed to garner good feedback and reviews for yourself as a reliable seller of repute.

Tip 2: Provide for Storage Space

Over time, you would require adequate inventories of the products that you sell. This would be particularly true when your orders start to swell in terms of volumes. Without inventories, you will not be able to supply products to your customers which could irreparably harm your reputation as a seller.

Tip 3: Tie up with Reputable and Bankable Logistics Companies

Your reputation as a seller will not only depend on the quality of your products but also that of the delivery! Your products need to reach your customers in a timely manner - Christmas presents cannot possibly be reaching in the New Year! Equally important is the handling of your items, especially if they happen to be breakable in nature, like glass items.

Follow these easy-to-implement tips, and prepare yourself to start an eBay business of your own today!

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.murderyourjob.com/ to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ unique visitors per month at no cost! => http://www.explosivetrafficsystem.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fabian_Tan



Selling products can be fun and exciting when you begin making sales. It can also be a struggle if you pick the wrong products. The key to making money is figuring out how to sell things on eBay that have little competition but are in high demand.

When I started selling products on eBay years ago, I started off on the wrong foot. I chose a product line that I felt was popular because I liked the item. Boy was I wrong. I listed my items and wondered why I wasn't making any sales. When I looked up the item's competition, I was overwhelmed.

There were so many other sellers selling the same products at much lower prices. I just couldn't compete. I started to lose money and it bummed me out so badly. I wish I had a mentor or an effective eBay course to help me out. The way to avoid my mistakes is by implementing the following advice:

Tip #1: Do your research on the products you plan on selling. Check out your competition and if the market is too saturated, keep researching different niches until you find one in demand with low competition.

Tip #2: Learn how to market your items as well as building up a customer subscriber list in order to continually market to repeat customers. This method alone can mean hundreds in sales per month.

Critical Tip #3: Invest in your eBay education. As a beginner, there is a huge learning curve. When I started out, I actually lost money. You can start off on the right foot by learning from experts.

You can learn from real eBay Powersellers right now.

Finally, you can learn exactly what products to sell on eBay and how to market your new business just like the Powersellers do in the most comprehensive, step-by-step eBay course on the web. Visit http://onlineauctionscure.com/ today and get your business started right.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patrick_Cooper


Saturday, 7 February 2009

How to start selling on eBay

The place to make money online, and from the comfort of your home is eBay.
There are endless amounts of products to be sold on eBay, from rare antiques and vintage items, to cheap, bargain and second-hand items.
However, before you start out on your eBay business venture or sideline, there are a few things you need to know:
~What to Sell
During a recession, people are looking for bargains. It may seem obvious, but, you should sell what people are looking to buy. Finding out what people want, and selling at a profit are the fundamental basics of successful selling on eBay.
One way of deciding what you are going to sell on eBay is by thinking of what interests you, what you enjoy, maybe a hobby – a niche you can focus on. Make a list of everything that interests you, select the most suitable, then go to eBay - to the category your niche would be listed in and see how well it sells and what sort of feedback it gets. To do this, go to eBay, click on ‘Advanced Search’, then use ‘all categories’. Tick the ‘search title and description box’ and ‘show completed listings’. Look for green ‘sold’ items. Search for each one and see if there are other listings that have sold. It may not be a good item to sell if there are none.
Competitive research is extremely important, it’s a reality of business life. Gather all the data you legally can on your competition, but always be ethical, don’t rip anyone off. You can emulate others and improve on what they’re doing or selling whilst being fair and ethical.
Find niches and hot selling categories. When you find what are ‘hot sellers’, bear in mind some have too much competition, and you may have to try other things. Successful sellers stick with hot lucrative niches once they find them.
~Where to sell
It is vital to make sure you have your item in the correct eBay category or it may never be seen by potential buyers. Research the categories before you list your item to make sure you use the correct category. You can also place items in more than one category when selling. Be creative, target the right audience, target your niche.
~When to sell
Obviously items sell better in their correct seasons, ie. Christmas items sell better nearer to Christmas and swimwear will sell better in the spring and summer.
~How to sell
The basic items needed to sell on eBay are: A credit card/Paypal account/eBay account/digital camera/items to sell.
To begin, describe the item, use important details and key descriptor words – don’t be too long winded. Be knowledgeable about what selling -if you look expert, more people are willing to buy. Copy experienced eBayers, for instance PowerSellers when listing items on ebay.
Spy on successful eBay sellers, look at the profile of the most successful sellers in your market and look at their feedback profile – at what they sold and how much for and what title they used, times of day when auction ended. Find their strengths and weaknesses.
Keywords – common (generic) keywords are the item, e.g. handbag, shoes and so on. Use more specific keywords, e.g. type of item (Chloe Paddington bag etc).
Make sure use seasonal keywords for seasonal items e.g. Halloween, Christmas and so on. Check eBay Pulse within your category – find keywords for niche chosen, that people use.
Know what to sell and what to avoid. Stick with hot lucrative niches to maximise profits. Look at completed listings regularly and see what sells quickly and for good profit, and, as buying trends are constantly changing, it’s very important to keep up with the changes. Keep a regular eye on what the competition is doing.
Common mistakes made by sellers are: The use of the wrong listing categories. Please do research which category your product belongs in, as potential buyers won’t find things if they’re in the wrong place. Trying to sell things in the wrong seasons, for example Christmas items don’t sell well too early in the year and bathing costumes don’t sell well at the start of the winter. Overcharging on postage/shipping – puts buyers off big time and can be the death of a business. Take trouble to find the correct shipping charges. Photo clarity is also important as potential buyers may doubt the authenticity of goods which have a poor quality photo in the advertisement.
Finally, try to use creative marketing to make your listing standout in crowd.
Setting up a successful business on eBay takes time, dedication and endurance, but is so worth the effort.